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Paging St. Thomas Aquinas

Why wasn't this on the front page of the New York Times? This is bigger news than the fact that cultural conservatives are rather opposed to U.S. courts redefining marriage. But, hey, the Times is still exploring this idea of having a reporter do National Geographic-syle sociological coverage of moral and religious conservatives. It will take time to map this alien land.

And now, the breaking news from God must exist, because he is on Google. Apparently, a typo during a search for "bod" yielded this insight:

In contrast with the 59 million sites found for God, a Google™ for Satan turned up only 3 million sites, suggesting that God is much more powerful than Satan, as theologians have long argued.

But in a finding that some scholars called worrisome, Paris Hilton turned up on over 3.5 million sites, indicating that the hotel heiress has actually eclipsed the Lord of Darkness as a force for evil.