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"Deceptions" in a lie-detector test

actGrab2Here is the latest from Denver. This does not prove anything one way or the other, of course, it just adds evidence that the truth is somewhere in between the accuser's pre-election media splash and the Rev. Ted Haggard's initial denials. In other words, the lie-detector test backs the position already accepted by the leadership of New Life Church.

Ted Haggard's accuser failed a polygraph test early this morning about the truthfulness of his accusations that he had had a three-year homosexual affair with the influential Colorado Springs minister. The test was given to Michael Jones, 49, an admitted male prostitute, who made the allegations on the Peter Boyles Show on radio station KHOW Thursday morning.

. . . The test administrator, John Kresnik, said Jones' score indicated "deceptions" in his answers. However, Kresnik said he doubted the accuracy of the test he administered because of the recent stress on Jones and his inability to eat or sleep, according to KHOW producer Greg Hollenback. Kresnik suggested that Jones be re-tested early next week after he was rested.

And for those awaiting the word from on high, here is a New York Times story. Frankly, I would watch the Colorado dailes -- here, here and here.

This story is still centered at the local level right now. I would not want to be in charge of media security at the church's service this Sunday.