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Vikings, Islam, fabrics and a dose of magical thinking in The New York Times

Being the New York Times means never having to say you’re sorry.

The Grey Lady was, along with other media outlets, taken in by claims made by a Swedish university professor about Islam and Vikings. The story played into the post-Charlottesville progressive narrative denigrating the alt-Right. White supremacists had championed the Vikings as the progenitors of a superior Nordic race -- but new archaeological evidence showed some Vikings had converted to Islam and brought the faith to Scandinavia.

The problem with the story was that it was not true.

The New York TimesGuardianIndependent and other outlets uncritically ran with it, but the Independent, unlike the Times, followed with a second article walking back the story.

The first day stories followed the pattern set in the Independent’s “Researchers find name of Allah woven into ancient Viking burial fabrics.” It cited a study released by a Swedish professor that claimed in its lede: 

Allah's name has been found embroidered into ancient Viking burial clothes, a discovery researchers in Sweden have described as "staggering".

It doubles down on this “staggering” news to note:

The silk patterns were originally thought to be ordinary Viking Age decoration but, upon re-examination by archaeologist Annika Larsson of Uppsala University, it was revealed that they were a geometric Kufic script. They were found on woven bands as well as items of clothing, in two separate grave sites, suggesting that Viking funeral customs had been influenced by Islam.

In support of her claims, Larsson stated that the silks she examined contained “ancient Arabic script, Kufic characters, invoking both Allah and Ali.” There were, however, some questions still to be answered, she conceded.

“One exciting detail is that the word ‘Allah’ is depicted in mirror image," Ms Larsson said. "Perhaps this was an attempt to write prayers so that they could be read from left to right?"

The importance of the find lay in acknowledging the influence of Islam on the Vikings, she argued.

It is a staggering thought that the bands, just like the costumes, [were] made west of the Muslim heartland. Presumably, Viking Age burial customs were influenced by Islam and the idea of an eternal life in paradise after death. She added: “In the Quran, it is written that the inhabitants of paradise will wear garments of silk, which along with the text band’s inscriptions may explain the widespread occurrence of silk in Viking Age graves. The findings are equally prevalent in both men’s and women’s graves."

The Independent noted that its story was based upon a press release from the University of Uppsala, and no other voices -- other than Larsson and the author -- appear in the story.

It comes as no surprise that some American and English newspapers would tout the benefits  of multiculturalism and the privileging of Islam. The left-leaning Independent has a reputation for being fiercely PC and at the forefront of the European culture wars. What may surprise the reader is that it did not check into the story. Larsson is described as an expert on fabrics, not on Islam.

The failure to verify the claims made in the press release led to a climb down a week later, when it published a story noting the claims put forth in the first article could not withstand scrutiny. It was entitled: “Viking textile did not feature word 'Allah', expert says." It reported:

Media around the world, including the Independent, reported on the finding, but now a leading expert in medieval Islamic art and archaeology has disputed the claim and said the inscription contains "no Arabic at all." Stephennie Mulder, a professor from the University of Texas in Austin, said the error stems from a "serious problem of dating."

Mulder took to twitter to debunk the article, writing Kufic script emerged in the 15th century in Central Asia, 500 years after the end of the Viking era. And also:

Continue reading "Vikings, Islam and a dose of magical thinking in The New York Times," by George Conger.