I’ve been swamped with my regular job the last few days, so I have not had as much time as usual to peruse religion headlines.
Savvy PR firm scores New York Times coup against March For Life
We’ve received quite a few complaints about the religion angle the New York Times chose for its story on the March For Life. And I’d sure as heck like to join in.
Foot-long subs vs. March For Life
The Associated Press has a Twitter feed with nearly 1.6 million followers. Those followers received two tweets about a gun control rally and march in Washington, D.C. this weekend.
How to write a bland story about the March For Life
As expected, the journalists at The Washington Post were pretty careful with their coverage of this year’s March For Life. As I wrote the other day, in a challenge to GetReligion readers:
Time for the "March for Life" media debate (updated)
It’s that time again — time for the annual debate about media bias in mainstream press coverage of the annual March For Life.
So what did Cardinal Mahony believe, really?
The news out of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is painful and stunning, especially for those who have not been closely following the fine details of the Catholic clergy sexual-abuse scandals over the past quarter century or more.
Stan Musial wore his faith on his sleeve
A sexual abuse story, complete with a rare glimpse of faith
As strange as it sounds, the goal of this post is to praise The Los Angeles Times for a page-one story focusing on a single case history linked to the decades of sexual abuse of children and teens by Catholic priests.