As we all know, and as numerous stacks of research have shown, only really stupid, illogical, fact-challenged people believe that God played some meaningful role in the creation of heaven and earth. Right?
Scientology vs. angry web trolls
There have been many stories about the ongoing battle between Scientology and a loose-knit, Internet-based gang of anti-Scientology anarchists known as Anonymous.
Waldman: Why the bishops matter
Bow before the IT director!
GetReligion changes: Rocky mountain hire
Let’s face it, already had strong ties to Colorado and now they are about to get stronger.
Poking the Jedi
Sometimes the most interesting religion stories are about some small angle in daily life. And the Washington Post‘s William Wan has found a great one. He looks at how folks have filled out the “religious views” box on Facebook. Mine says “Confessional Lutheran,” for instance.
First take on the official LDS blog?
Shameless self promotion (times three)
Believe it or not, your GetReligionistas are busy people who do have lives and other jobs. You can tell this from time to time when typos slip into print and we are slow to fix them. You can tell when huge stories break and it takes us a day or so to get our act together and wade through oceans of digital ink in search of a ghost or two. Is that a mixed metaphor, or what?
Look us up on Twitter
GetReligion reader Barbara Kolbe recently gave us the nudge we required to create a Twitter feed. Despite my earlier mockery of encouraging Christians to tweet during worship services, I (and my colleagues) recognize Twitter’s inescapable importance in today’s media landscape.