I decided to look in the Reporter's Holy Book, by which of course I mean the AP Stylebook, to see what those gods of style have to say. The entry for abortion reads: "Use anti-abortion instead of pro-life and abortion rights instead of pro-abortion or pro-choice." I guess only one side gets to choose their name. Not fair. Not balanced. . . .
Posted by Stephen A. at 9:05 pm on July 25, 2005
Thanks for jumping back to the question at the heart of the original post. These language issues show up in the press all the time, often with bizarre results.
Right now, the media has two options under the AP bible. Like I said, anti-abortion and pro-abortion rights are imperfect terms, but they are certainly better than the even worse spin that was in place in the 1980s – anti-abortion and pro-choice. Click here to see David Shaw's classic Los Angeles Times series about that era.
Now, you can take a magazine approach and use pro-life and pro-choice, indicating that these are the terms the groups apply to themselves. This is a fair approach, but still does not unpack the terms in any way. It still leaves us with only two camps.
My point, concerning Jane Roberts, is that at some point – on left and right – the press has to move past the easy labels and discuss what people actually believe. Yes, she is anti-abortion. But that is not all she is. If this topic is going to hit the Hill linked to her husband and the U.S. Supreme Court, the hearings ought to dig beneath the stereotypes, and the MSM will have to cover that. This will require a more nuanced approach to language.
The Rev. Jerry Falwell is not Pope Benedict XVI.
For the matter, the Rev. Jim Wallis is not the Rev. Carter Heyward.
Joe Lieberman is not Barney Frank. And who knows WHAT Hillary Clinton is these days, although I think we know where her heart is.
Registered Democrats who are opposed to abortion on demand are not the same as old-guard Republicans, when it comes to issues related to health care, education, jobs and other issues related to, well, the agenda of a group such as Feminists for Life. The press is going to need to do some stretching.
One gets the impression that, for most MSM journalists, this is the only issue that matters. As that great Catholic theologian Maureen Dowd once quipped, the cultural right is trying to repeal Woodstock. Abortion rights is the ultimate safeguard of the sexual revolution.