Our own M.Z. Hemingway has had a lot of fun lately writing about the issue of who is and who is not a Roman Catholic priest. It's pretty easy to become a "priest" if you really want to be one and you can write checks that do not bounce. Click here to take a look -- care of Catholic World News -- inside the maze of the world of Old Catholic bishops and ordination operations. Once upon a time, I tried to write a feature story on this subject for the Rocky Mountain News -- linked to a controversy at a local hospice -- and finally just threw up my hands in frustration. It seemed like there were bishops all over the place and, one way or another, the road always seemed to lead back to Utrecht.
Anyway, here are some do-it-almost-yourself priest links via the Off the Record blog:
AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Valid orders and apostolic succession; no need to relocate. (707) 554-2803. Web site: www.Americancatholicchurch.org
NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH OF AMERICA -- inclusive, affirming, valid orders. Distance learning seminary. Holy Orders without regard to gender, sexual orientation, marital status. Varied ministries. Phone: (518) 434-8861. Web: members.aol.com/NatCathCh
CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH in North America -- Inclusive, progressive, marital status and gender no impediment to holy orders. Phone: (845) 586-2201. Web site: www.cacina.org
Just do it. But good luck, journalists, if you try to cover this story.