I have to admit that there is no reason for the following information to be posted here at GetReligion.org, other than my simple amazement that no one – Frank Rich of The New York Times leaps to mind – seems to have written about this product yet in the mainstream press.
How can that be?
Or is this actually a kind of Onion article, a spoof of this bizarre age that we live in? One of my former students spotted this and thought I needed to know about it. Thanks for thinking of me, big guy.
You need to click here to get the full picture of "Threat Level Jesus." There is also a CafePress site for the logo shirts (which is, truth be told, yet another reason to think that this is a spoof).
What does "Threat Level Jesus" offer consumers in the age of terror?
This incredible invention receives signals directly from the Dept. of Homeland Security anywhere within the continental U.S., and changes color the moment the national threat level is updated.
No more anxiety! No more waiting for 'Breaking News' to tell you what you need to know NOW! ... Now you and your family can be safe and have peace of mind knowing the Son of God is eternally vigilant.
Also note that it comes with a Bible and a "handy booklight so you and your loved ones can gain strength from its words while you take refuge in the closet during the next terrorist attack."
And there's one more thing. The family pictured in the advertisement is clearly from the Christian radical fringe, because they have three children – which is above the fertility replacement rate. Right?