RNS gets a bigger blog

sally quinnThe professionals over at Religion News Service would like us to pass along the fact that they have radically updated and enlarged their blog about religion news. In other words, they have a religion news blog.

As opposed to GetReligion, which is a blog about how the mainstream media cover religion news.

It's always good to underline that difference, since so many people get confused about what we're trying to do here.

The note that RNS editor Kevin Eckstrom is sending around takes you right to a hot item, on that is directly linked to the whole "What in the heckfire is that massive 'On Faith' site all about?" discussion that pops up here from time to time.

Here's that opening post from Eckstrom, which has a punchy headline: "Sally Quinn doesn't get it."

The folks over at The Washington Post's On Faith blog opened a cybercan of worms when On Faith hostess Sally Quinn weighed in on the gay marriage debate and asked what the big deal is all about:

"Homosexual couples are simply two people who love each other. Please explain to me how that can be wrong in the eyes of God. Didn't God make us all in his image? Please explain to me why it is not better for society that two people who love each other cement their relationship in a legal union. Please tell me how it could possibly be harmful to society to have two loving people form a union.

I simply don't get it. I really don't."

So she asked for some help, and as could probably be expected, she's getting quite an earful.

Well, there is this thing called the Bible, you see, and people in different pews on left and right violently disagree with one another about the meaning of its contents and how the ancient churches have read key scripture passages about marriage and sexuality and sacraments for 2,000 years or so. And, well, it's a long story.

Bookmark the new RNS blog. Now. There's only one RNS.

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