A fire caused extensive damage to the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago this morning. There's a really long, interesting and thorough article about the blaze and its repercussions over at Chicago Breaking News, which is a composite site for WGN, the Chicago Tribune and other media outlets:
An extra-alarm blaze that broke out this morning at Holy Name Cathedral downtown caused extensive fire damage to the roof and attic, but spared the cathedral's sanctuary.
Cardinal Francis George said the cathedral's roof would have to be rebuilt and there was considerable water damage inside. "Chicago has always bounced back from fires and I think we'll bounce back from this," the cardinal said as he left the church.
"The boys saved the church, that's for sure," said Deputy Fire District Chief Tony Romano of his firefighters. "We don't save too many of them."
But there's a whopper of a problem with one line in the story:
One of the church officials said the blessed sacrament or Eucharist, which symbolizes the body of Christ, was removed.
It is wonderful to see a reported detail on the sacrament but Catholics do not believe that the Eucharist symbolizes the body of Christ. They believe that the bread and wine become – are -- the body and blood of Christ. This isn't really an unknown teaching of the church, having been featured in popular culture, literature and general discourse for hundreds of years.
As the reader who sent it in noted:
Perhaps most readers wouldn't have noticed this, but I think this is something that an editor, at the very least, should have picked up and changed.
Yes, it's a rookie mistake in an otherwise solid story.
UPDATE: Reader Christopher Milton notes in the comments:
Clicking through your link it appears that they have corrected their error concerning the True Presence.
It now reads along the lines of “…which Catholics say is the body of Christ…”
Very straight forward.