Did you know that almost all funeral services held inside churches are actually services of Christian worship?
I just thought I would bring that up – again – after the Bobby Ross Jr. post that covered some of the early coverage for the funeral of slain New York City police officer Rafael Ramos. That post noted that some reports – CNN and The New York Times, to be specific – gave readers a glimpse of the officer's life in a true evangelical megachurch, Christ Tabernacle – a multi-site New York congregation.
However, the stories left Bobby wanting more details about the church and the work Ramos did there, especially since he died right as be was set to launch into his work as a police chaplain. He offered praise, but want to know more.
Well now, contrast that with the story that moved later from The Los Angeles Times. This story, basically, missed every single religion angle in this moving story. The fact that Ramos was poised to become a chaplain, after years of involvement with this megachurch, as been known for days. How was that handled? Basically, we're talking crickets.
How about the church itself, which is an example of a evangelical and charismatic explosion in New York City that has received a little bit of media attention, but not much? Next to zippo, in this story.
Want a taste of what did make it into this report?