Once upon a time, there was this era in American life called the Sixties. As the old saying goes, if you remember the Sixties, then you really weren't part of them – which kind of implies that the only people who remember the Sixties were Baptists, or something like that.
Anyway, lots of things in the Sixties were "cool." Some things were even "groovy," although I thought – at the time – that no one who was actually "cool" would have fallen so low as to use the word "groovy."
Whatever the word "cool" meant, journalist Tom Wolfe was "cool," while at the same time being "hot." If you dreamed of being a journalist in the late Sixties and early 1970s, then you knew about Wolfe and you looked at his writing and thought to yourself, "How does he DO that? That is so cool."
Revolutionaries were "cool" and traditionalists were "not cool."
So with that in mind (and as an introduction to the content of this week's "Crossroads" podcast), please read the following quotation from a 1980 Rolling Stone interview with Wolfe. The key is to understand why, at one point, he calls himself a "heretic." This is long, but essential:
RS: I believe it was in the New Republic that Mitch Tuchman wrote that the reason you turned against liberals is that you were rejected by the white-shoe crowd at Yale.
WOLFE: Wait a minute! Is that one by Tuchman? Yeah, oh, that was great.
RS: He talked about your doctoral dissertation.
WOLFE: Yeah, he wrote that after The Painted Word. It went further than that. It was called "The Manchurian Candidate," and it said in all seriousness that I had some-how been prepared by the establishment, which he obviously thought existed at Yale, to be this kind of kamikaze like Laurence Harvey – I think that's who was in The Manchurian Candidate, wasn't it? – to go out and assassinate liberal culture. I loved that.