A majority of evangelicals are worried about "fake news" and they also think mainstream journalists are part of the problem.
The question, as pandemic-weary Americans stagger into the 2020 elections, is how many believers in this voting bloc have allowed their anger about "fake news" to push them toward fringe conspiracy theories about the future of their nation.
Some of these theories involve billionaire Bill Gates and global coronavirus vaccine projects, the Antichrist's plans for 5G towers, Democrats in pedophile rings or all those mysterious "QAnon" messages. "Q" is an anonymous scribe whose disciples think is a retired U.S. intelligence leader or maybe even President Donald Trump.
The bitter online arguments sound like this: Are these conspiracies mere "fake news" or is an increasingly politicized American press – especially on politics and religion – hiding dangerous truths behind its own brand of "fake news"?
"A reflexive disregard of what are legitimate news sources can feed a penchant for conspiracy theories," said Ed Stetzer, executive director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College.
Many mainstream journalists do a fine job of covering the complex world of evangelicalism, stressed Stetzer, reached by email.
Nevertheless, he added: "I think that the bias of much of mainstream news has to be considered in this conversation. Many evangelicals have seen, over and over, news sources report on them irresponsibly, with bias, and – at times – with malice. When you see that enough, about people you know, there is a consequence. Regrettably, I don't think many in the mainstream news world are thinking, 'We should have done better.' "
It doesn't help that Americans disagree about the meaning of "fake news."